Wednesday, November 5, 2014


St. Agur Double Cream Blue Cheese. Could  there possibly be a more scrumptious cheese in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD??? 

I think not. But then again, even though I've tasted like almost every cheese under the sun I  know there are so many I haven't  tried yet. 

Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE cheese?

Mmm....what's your favorite cheese?


  1. Not a huge fan of the bleu cheeses... I want to love Gorgonzola, Stilton or Roquefort, but I cannot...
    Favorite cheese sampling place was Tillamook! First time I'd tried cheese curds -- loved them.
    Just now starting to enjoy Cotija, queso fresco, and añejo -- where were they all my life!?! :D

  2. I love cheese curds. Cotija, queso fresco, and añejo were all cheeses I learned to love with my MIL. She made the absolute best cheeses. I loved helping her. Mmm...

  3. Make mine the Dutch cheeses--Gouda and Edam, Also, I am very pleased with the old reliable Extra Sharp Cheddar....and in 1976 I had a smoked cheese in Wisconsin at a little cheese shop--have been searching for that same flavor all these years. Of course, I can be satisfied with a cream cheese smothered in Smoked Raspberry Chipotle and a bag of chips! ML
